What’s in Your Water? Water Analysis Kits Can Tell You
If you’re wondering whether you need a water analysis kit, read this list of common water pollutants to find out why testing your water could be the smartest thing you can do.
Looking at the water flowing out of your tap or sparkling in your swimming pool, you might imagine it’s as pure as driven snow. The fact is that the purest looking water can harbour a host of nasty contaminants. Here’s your guide to what could be lurking in water.
Organic Matter
Bacteria, viruses and parasites can enter the water supply through such events as overflowing sewers or waste pipes. Run off from land affected by animal waste is another potential source.
Minerals and Metals
Copper and iron pipes can both cause water contamination. Lead is rare in source water but can enter your home supply via the corrosion of old lead pipes. It’s important to remember than new homes with pipes described ‘lead free’ may actually contain lead. Other heavy metals such as cadmium and arsenic can also pollute your water.
Examples of dangerous chemical you find in water include nitrates. Nitrates can cause serious health problems especially to infants. It’s important to identify them because boiling water increases their concentration and risk. You may also find fertilisers and pesticides seeping into your water supply from nearby farms and orchards. Household cleaning agents and solvents are another source.
This just a small sample of the kind of water pollution you may encounter. The point is that there’s no way of knowing just what’s in your water until you test it. Water analysis test kits offer a fast and inexpensive way to determine if your water is pure enough for your needs.
Whether you’re a home owner worried about your pool, a factory owner concerned about your outflow, or indeed anyone who needs assurances about the purity of their water, look into testing today.
Waterlilly Australia offers complete range of water analysis kits complete with reagents to enable you to test any kind of water.
To discover Australia’s premier water analysis test kit range, call Waterlilly Australia on 61 2 9798 9975
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