CHECKIT Comparator

Discs with continuous colour scale
low cost – precise – reliable
Applications: Water Treatment (e.g. Drinking Water), Pools, Laboratory and Field Testing, Special Applications.


  • Easy operation and exact reagent dosing
  • High accuracy
  • Tablet reagents with a minimum guaranteed shelf life of 5/10 years
  • Unrestricted shipment
  • Safe storage


Lovibond CheckitComparator is a compact, handy colorimetric unit which is suitable both for mobile and stationary analysis work. Supplied with a generous number of different colour scales, it provides the basis for a comprehensive, easy-to-use colorimetric analysis system. The CheckitComparator D55 enables the use of large path lengths. The mirror optics makes use of the view through the entire length of the cell.


Each CheckitDisc contains a continuous colour scale which makes it possible to achieve an exact colour match between the colour standard and the sample. These CheckitDiscs are specially manufactured in selected materials to remain colour-stability over a long period and guarantee reliable, reproducible measurement results.

Instruction manuals explaining the various stages of analysis in simple, straightforward terms, are supplied with each CheckitDisc.

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